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Sample Sequence - Graphical Image Training
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. . 23. Star Thru | |
People Involved | 2 dancers | |
START | facing dancers (man and lady) | |
END | Couple | |
Movement | Man's right hand is placed against the lady's left, palm to palm with fingers up, to make an arch. As the dancers move forward the lady does a one quarter (9 0¡) left face turn under the arch, while the man does a one quarter (90¡) turn to the right moving behind the lady. They end up side by side with the lady on the man's right. |
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. . 24. Circle to a Line | |
People Involved | 4 dancers | |
START | facing couple | |
END | 1-faced line | |
Movement | Couples circle left one half (180¡). The lead dancer in the couple who started on the inside (man's position) releases the left handhold, but retains the handhold of the dancer on his right to become the left end dancer of the line. The released dancer moves forward under the raised arm arch formed by that dancer and the adjacent dancer to become the right end dancer in the line. |
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. . 25. Bend the Line | |
People Involved | 4 dancers | |
START | 2-faced line or 1-faced Line | |
END | facing couple | |
Movement | The center dancers in the line drop hands with each other. With each half of the line working as a unit, the ends move forward while the centers back up until both halves of the line are facing. |
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. . 26. All Around the Left Hand Lady | |
People Involved | 8 dancers | |
START | square or circle | |
END | ring (facing the partner) | |
Movement | All dancers face their corners. Walking forward and around each other while keeping right shoulders adjacent, dancers return to face their partner. |
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. . 27. See Saw | |
People Involved | 2 dancers | |
START | facing dancers, square or circle | |
END | facing dancers, square or circle | |
Movement | When combined with all around the left hand lady, each dancer walks forward and around the partner keeping left shoulders adjacent, then steps forward to face the corner. In all other cases, it is a left shoulder dosado. Dancers advance and pass left shoulders. Each without turning moves to the left passing in back of the other dancer and then moves backward passing right shoulders returning to starting position. |
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. . 28. Square Thru Family | |
People Involved | 4 dancers | |
START | facing couple | |
END | back to back couple | |
Movement | (a) SQUARE THRU: Facing dancers join right hands and pull by. Turn in one quarter (90¡), join left hands and pull by. (A half square thru has been completed.) Turn in one quarter (90¡) and join right hands with facing dancer and pull by. (A three quarter square thru has been completed.) Turn in one quarter (90¡), join left hands and pull by but do not turn. (A full square thru has been completed.) Variations of square thru may be specified by fractions or by the number of hands, e.g. square thru three quarters is the same as square thru three hands, etc. (b) LEFT SQUARE THRU: Similar to square thru except that it is started with the left hand and hands are alternated accordingly. When a left square thru is required, "left square thru" must be directed. |
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. . 29. California Twirl | |
People Involved | 2 dancers | |
START | couple (man and lady) | |
END | couple (man and lady) | |
Movement | Partners join hands (man's right with lady's left) and raise them to form an arch. The lady walks forward and under their joined hands making a one half (180¡) left-face turn while the man walks around the lady in a clockwise direction one half (180¡). Dancers have exchanged places and are both facing in the opposite direction from which they started. |
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. . 30. Dive Thru | |
People Involved | 4 dancers | |
START | facing couples (man and lady) | |
END | tandem couples | |
Movement | The couple whose back is to the center of the square (unless a specific couple is directed) makes an arch by raising their joined inside hands. The other couple ducks under the arch and moves forward. The couple making the arch moves forward and does a California twirl. If neither couple has its back to the center of the set, then one couple must be directed to dive thru the other couple. |
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. . 31. Wheel Around | |
People Involved | 2 dancers | |
START | couple | |
END | couple | |
Movement | The couple, working as a unit, turns around (180¡). The left hand dancer backs up while the right hand dancer moves forward. The pivot point is the handhold between the two dancers. |
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. . 32. Thar Family | |
People Involved | 8 dancers | |
START | various | |
END | thar | |
Movement | (a) ALLEMANDE THAR: An allemande thar star is a formation and may be formed at the end of any left arm turn by the center dancers (or those directed) forming a right hand box star and backing up. Each outside dancer holds the left forearm of a center dancer and walks forward. (b) WRONG WAY THAR: A wrong way thar may be formed at the end of any right arm turn by the center dancers (or those directed) forming a left hand box star and backing up. Outside dancers hold the right forearm of a center dancer and walk forward. |
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. . 33. Shoot the Star | |
People Involved | 8 dancers | |
START | Thar or Wrong Way Thar Formation | |
END | Thar or Wrong Way Thar Formation or Alamo | |
Movement | The handholds forming the center star are released as each center dancer and the adjacent outside dancer arm turn one half (180¡) or full (360¡) as directed. If half or full is not directed, the arm turn is one half. |
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SEQUENCE - Graphical Image Training
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