Last Modified, 02/23/2025 18:28:11


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Sample Sequence - Graphical Image Training

Advanced-1 (2) No.11~20

. . 11. Ends Bend
People Involved 4 dancers
START any formation with the ends in a line
END usually some kind of 4x4 setup
Movement The ends do their part of a Bend the Line.
Note: dancers can Roll after this call.

. . 12. Explode and (Anything)
People Involved Explode part:4 dancers / (Anything) part: 1-8 dancers
START waves / general lines with both centers facing the same direction
END depends on the call
Movement From a wave: All Step Thru (giving couples back-to-back), Quarter In, and do the "anything" call.
From a general line with both centers facing the same direction: The centers step ahead as the ends slide together. All Quarter In to make facing couples and do the anything call.
Note: The call Explode is not meant to be used alone; only as the preface in this call. It is not used as short-hand for Explode the Line or Explode the Wave. After Explode And, every dancer is able to Roll.

. . 13. Explode the Line
People Involved 4 dancers
START line
END back to back couple
Movement From a general line with the centers facing the same way: The centers step forward as the ends slide together. Then all Quarter In and Right Pull By. Ends in couples back-to-back.

. . 14. Fractional Top
People Involved 8 dancers
START thar formation
END thar formation
Movement 1/4 Top : Tharから取っている手で半回転(180度)回って中と外を入れ替える。そこから中と外で取っている手を放し、それぞれ1/4の半分(つまり45度分)それぞれの円周上を前進して、次に出会う人と手を取る。
1/2 Top : 中と外でtradeするところまでは1/4 Topと同じ。そこから円周上を前進して、1人やりすごし、2 dancers目と手を取る。
3/4 Top : 中と外でtradeするところまでは1/4 Topと同じ。そこから円周上を前進して、2 dancersやりすごし、3人目と手を取る。

. . 15. Grand 1/4 Thru
People Involved 8 dancers
START right hand column
END tidel wave
Movement 1)全員でhinge。
2)very endsを除く6人が左手でtrade。

. . 16. Grand 3/4 Thru
People Involved 8 dancers
START right hand column
END tidel wave
Movement 1)全員でcast off 3/4。
2)very endsを除く6人が左手でtrade。

. . 17. Half Breed Thru
People Involved 4 dancers
START facing couple
END facing couple
Movement 1)向かい合った人と右手でpull-by。
2)男性が左、女性が右にいるカップルはcourtesy turn、それ以外の組み合わせならU-turn backをする。

. . 18. Horseshoe Turn
People Involved 8 dancers
START outsidesが外を向いている/centerはいろいろ
END columnタイプからなら8-chain formation
Movement outsidesはcloverleaf。centersはpartner tag(partnerの方に90度向きを変えてpass thru)

. . 19. Left Wheel Thru
People Involved 4 dancers
START facing couple
END back to back couple
Movement 後に紹介する“wheel thru”のLEFTバージョン。(講習ではこちらの方が後に教わるはず)

. . 20. Lock It
People Involved 4 dancers
START line(centersはmini wave) / diamond
END line / diamond
Movement centersはhinge(partner hingeではない)。endsは90度向きを変えながらmove up。Fan the topのcentersの動き(cast off 3/4)をhingeに変えたものと覚えればよい。


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